
Friday, July 27, 2012

27th July - Perhentian Islands

We got up at a reasonable time for the first time in days and got ready to go diving at D'Lagoon. Even before we started there was such a different approach with Ombak than DJL - much calmer, better organised, clearly explained. There were only 4 of us going and we just had a little boat so it was easier for them but we also preferred it.

The two guys doing the Open Water Course, Johan and Toby, went diving with Holly and we went with Rick, the owner. We both had a much easier descent and it made a big difference not to feel like we were holding people up. Our ears equalised much more easily and we were still going down when we saw a Hawkshead turtle in the distance. I was so excited and can't wait to go snorkling and maybe see some more, closer up.

The dive itself was amazing and, because it was a little boat, we only had to do a backward roll into the water rather than the horrible 'giant stride'. We also got to grips with bouyancy and swimming horizontally a little better. We took our time swimming around and felt like we were taking a lot more in and paying more attention to the fish and the corals. We even saw a huge Grouper in the distance. Rick was great and pointed out several things to us and even let us touch a sea-cucumber and play with some cleaner shrimp. We were doing pretty well with our air and had been down about 40 minutes when poor Matt got stung by a jellyfish and guzzled up most of what he had left.

Back on the boat Matt was treated with vinegar and was much braver and less moany than I would have been. We were soon joined by Holly, Toby and Johan and headed back to the dive centre for a debrief. Unlike our Open Water Course, Holly took some time to discuss the fish we had seen and show us some pictures so we could record it in our dive log.

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