Kuni left for work at 7.30am so didn't see him in the morning. We still got up reasonable early and took a brief walk around Arab area nearby. There was a nice mosque we'd have liked to visit but there were too many school groups milling around so we gave it a miss.
We walked around lake and were followed by hungry fish and terrapins looking for food and then to the ginger garden. I had no idea there were so many types of gingers or how pretty they were, nor that bananas are from the ginger family. We thought about going to the orchid garden but time was getting on and we wanted to get back to Marina Bay Sands so we could go to the top so we headed back to the MRT through the climber trellis garden.
We were hoping to see te 'Garden Rhapsody' light and sound show but were a little early so took a walk around and crossed the bridge back towards Marina Bay to get some pictures of the landscape, including the Singapore Flyer (like the London Eye).
The Garden Rhapsody was pretty corny but is was still interesting to watch the Supertrees light up in time with the music and giggle at the music they used.
Back over at Marina Bay Sands we caught the end of their light and water show. It was much more modern but even more cheesy. Fountains created arcs of water that looked like snow-shakers while images were projected into them. We were there just in time to see the images of two young pop stars warbling 'What a wonderful World' before streams of fire were shot into the sky. We decided we'd like to see the whole thing and so went to amuse ourselves in the shopping centre for a while.
We couldn't afford the food court so we sat on a bench eating cut-price sushi and watching fat ladies on the vibration machines trying to wobble themselves thin in 5 minutes. I was really glad we did when I suddenly realised that I had left my bag in the massage shop. This was the first time in 7 months so it wasn't bad going for me and at least a did it in one of the most crimeless countries in the world.
We were back outside just in time to watch the 9.30 water, light and music show (check it out on Youtube) and were lucky enough to sit by the bubble-making machine.
After that we spent some time looking at the crazy water feature outside the the mall. It was basically a giant, transparent, perspex sink where you can watch the water swish around and drain through the 'plughole' into the shopping centre below, creating a waterfall inside. It also carried conversations so we giggled at the intentional and unintentional snippets of conversation that we heard from several metres away.
We took to circuitous route back to the flat round the bay, past busy bars, and via the war monument and just generally took in sights of the city.
We were dog tired but just had the energy to top off the day with some fruit shopping so we's have a nice breakfast before tomorrow's explorations.
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